Health Tips

Insulin resistance diet protocol


Understanding the cellular mechanisms of insulin resistance helps us choose more effective therapeutic interventions for the treatment and prevention of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is present in individuals who are obese and those with diabetes mellitus. Several studies have found that an insulin resistance diet protocol and exercise can alter insulin signaling pathways and delay the onset of insulin resistance.
It’s estimated that the number of diabetes sufferers in the world will double from about 190 million to 325 million during the next 25 years. It’s obvious that we need to pay more attention to our lifestyle habits and make some changes. An insulin resistance diet, similar to a diabetic diet plan, helps you lose excess weight and regulate your insulin and blood glucose levels in order to reduce your risk of developing prediabetes and diabetes.

Insulin Resistance Diet

Research suggests that the primary cause of insulin resistance is excess weight, especially excess fat around the waist. Fortunately, weight loss can help the body respond better to insulin. The Diabetes Prevention Program and other large studies indicate that people with insulin resistance and prediabetes can often prevent or delay developing diabetes by changing their diets to follow an insulin resistance diet, along with losing weight.

Here are seven ways to start eating an insulin resistance diet:

1. Limit carbohydrates
2. Avoid sweetened beverages
3. Eat more fiber
4. Eat Healthy Fats
5. Get enough protein
6. Eat dairy
7. Think about your portions

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