Last 5 days report

A total turnover of 1.518 billion shares worth N28.868 billion in 23,053 deals were traded this week by investors on the floor of the Exchange in contrast to a total of 2.518 billion shares valued at N114.117 billion that exchanged hands last week in 23,546 deals.
The Financial Services Industry (measured by volume) led the activity chart with 1.178 billion shares valued at N14.445 billion traded in 11,520 deals; thus contributing 77.63% and 50.04% to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. The Consumer Goods Industry followed with 183.850 million shares worth N12.508 billion in 5,807 deals.
The third place was occupied by Conglomerates Industry with a turnover of 53.758 million shares worth N126.669 million in 819 deals.
Trading in the Top Three Equities namely – Access Bank Plc, Zenith International Bank Plc and Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. (measured by volume) accounted for 500.113 million shares worth N11.910 billion in 3,870 deals, contributing 32.95% and 41.26% to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively.