
Top tricks mechanics use in extorting money from car owners and the way out


Even if your car doesn’t come with 470 HP and Wi-Fi connectivity, your car is the biggest and most expensive gadget you own. And unless you trade your vehicle in as often as your MacBook, keeping that ride in peak operating condition is absolutely vital to keeping repair costs down over its lifespan.
That’s not to say that every repair will be inexpensive—Timing belts and heater cores, for example, are notoriously expensive to repair regardless of the make or model—but here are a few ways to make sure that N5,000 brake job doesn’t turn into a N50, 000 leak in your checking account.
Inexperience, trial and error-A large number of mechanics have little experience and knowledge about the well-being of cars. Working on modern vehicles demands unprecedented talent and training. In the bid to fix the problem, more problems arise
Charging for unnecessary repairs- A mechanic diagnoses a problem, repairs it and – surprise, surprise – the problem is still there. They then re-diagnose it as a different problem and repair that. Eventually, the mechanic repairs the original defect but charges the customer for all the repairs. In some other instances, the mechanic is fully aware of other faults in your vehicle but will keep mute so as to get you to come back and pay more.
Misdiagnosing something that is not faulty- Sometimes to pad their bills, mechanics will tell a customer non-defective parts need to be replaced. Your brakes need to be resurfaced? They’ll tell you to get them replaced. Other parts on the car can be repaired? They’ll suggest replacement. Like unnecessary repairs, unneeded parts being sold to you is also a trick for major extortion.
Purchase of inferior parts- Mechanics in Nigeria are in this habit. The car owner pays for authentic parts for repairs, they will not only double the price of parts, they go as far as getting inferior parts which will eventually cause more damage.
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