
 4 ways to improve study skills


Studying can be a major hurdle for students. Making the most of study time can be particularly challenging as kids head back to school and try to adjust to new classes and sometimes new surroundings.
During the first days of school, try devoting some class time to honing these important skills.
#4 Essay Planning – A common theme explored at Education World is the trepidation many students feel when required to write something. They often feel as though the ability to produce a clear and concise thought on paper is beyond them, which is due to a lack of forethought. Thoroughly planning out the essay before sitting down to write it can be a big step toward improvement:
Even if students have received some instruction on planning before writing, teachers may need to either reaffirm those previous lessons, or add to them. The more students plan, the better their writing will become.
#3  Memory Tricks – Mnemonics is a very old technique, but one that still works. On its face, it may seem a bit silly, but for many students this is far more effective than strict memorisation.
Mnemonics help you to observe what you remember best. This makes you wiser as to how you should process your learning. Mnemonics take all the worry out of relying on your memory and can put some sparkle into your revision.
 #2 Mind mapping –This is a visual form of studying that prompts students to literally draw thoughts and ideas on paper so they can be reviewed visually rather than verbally.  Mind mapping offers a terrific shortcut to revision and essay planning. You can also use it for brainstorming. It works for most subjects, particularly arts and humanities, but also some sciences. It’s effective even at the highest levels of university education. It involves sketching out information in a strikingly visual manner, using key words, colours and making use of shapes and space, stimulating your right brain. This encourages lateral thinking.
#1  Note Taking – Students typically fall into two categories when it comes to note taking; those who write down everything the teachers says verbatim, and those who write almost nothing down. You can help your students with this skill by starting the year off making special note of key points during a lecture.

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