
11 measures that will help you survive and stay safe 


We all know that there is high rate of insecurity across the country. One cannot depend on security agencies fortheir safety because they cannot be everywhere at the same time.On a daily basis people are kidnapped for ransom, armed robbers attack at will, terrorism is yet to be defeated completed and the government is yet to curb the activities of militants.Therefore, residents are responsible fortheir safety to some extent. To survive in Nigeria, one has to be security conscious and alert.
Below are 11 security tips you will need to survive in Nigeria.
1. Lock the doors and gates at all times: Your doors and gates should be under lock and key at all times. This will prevent intruders from gaining access into your home.
2. Be careful when giving strangers lift: Many people have been robbed by strangers they gave lift to. Be extra careful when offering to help commuters that appear to be stranded.Some are just looking for prey.
3. Be careful the kind of calls you make in public: There are certain calls you should not be making in the presence of strangers especially when it has to do money. Youmay unintentionally pass vital information to robbers.
4. Install Burglaries: It is advisable to install burglaries so as to prevent burglars from breaking into your house.
5. Avoid leaving valuables in your car: When you are parked in a public place, it is advisable for you not to leave any valuables in the car. If you do, you just might be inviting hoodlums to break into your car. If you have to leave any valuables in the car, make sure you lockit up in the booth of the car.
6. Be careful when hiring domestic helps: Most of the people who have been victims of kidnap were kidnapped by their domestic employees. Some of these domestic helps sometimes connive with robbers. So, before you hire any domestic help, make sure you conduct a comprehensive background and security check.
7. Avoid using ATMs when it is dark: Armed robbers sometimes pretend to be ATM users in order to rob bank customers at night. Do not go to the ATM late at night or very early in the morning. It is dangerous. It is better to do all your transactions when the day is still bright.
8. Never leave your car windows down at night: Ensure that you wind up all your car windows when driving at night. When driving at night. Hoodlums are known to always forcefully take valuables from peoples’ cars. Sometimes, they even attack the driver.
9. Always use your security lock: When inside your car, make sure you use the security lock to prevent intruders from jumping in at will.
10. Buy Security Dogs: If you love dogs, then you can buy security dogs and keep them in your compound. This will scare intruders away.
11. Be alert at all times: When driving, be alert to note if anybody is trailing you, especially at night.

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