Tips for Beginner Teacher

I. Be Professional: Be professional in dress, manner, and attitude from the first minute that you are present in the classroom. Act professionally in public. Use language appropriately. Don’t resort to using slang too often. Speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard. Don’t be late to class and staff meetings.
2. Establish a good rapport with parents and administration: Keep good, strong lines of communication open between you and the parents.
Don’t be afraid to call parents if one of your students is having problems in class. Many parents have no idea how well their children are doing in school until report card time rolls around, so they will appreciate your efforts to keep them informed. Don’t be afraid to call or meet with parents. They are probably just as curious about you as you are about them. In fact, knowing them might help you to better understand their child.
Call or write parents when their son or daughter does something good or improves in class. Don’t limit communication to bad news.
3. Encourage parents to be proud of their children: Show students that you care about their lives, and show the parents that you care about their children’s progress. When conducting parent-teacher conferences, have handouts ready for the parents that include your philosophy, your grading policy, your attendance policies and their child’s grades.
4. Get to know the principal of your school: Invite the principal to sit in on your class when he or she has a chance and ask for any suggestions that might improve your teaching. Good rapport with the administration is invaluable.
5. Ask other teachers, even the principal, for advice: Use discretion in deciding which teachers to approach for information. Don’t be suspicious – be observant and selective.
6. Show respect to the cooperating teacher and the others: Cooperate with your colleagues, be willing to ask them for help and be open to offering your advice. Get to know the custodian and the secretary.
7. Ask for a student handbook and a teacher’s handbook: Be familiar with administrative expectations and procedures. Familiarise yourself with departmental policies. Read the latest research manuals in your field and attend workshops regularly.