
Tips for Beginner Teacher


Continued from last Monday

8. Familiarise yourself with departmental policies: Read the latest research manuals in your field and ensure you attend workshops regularly.
9. Know your rights as a teacher: Know the resources or how to make proper referrals for special education, discipline, etc.
When conferencing with students in a private office, always leave the door open.
Remember that the way you solve problems will become a model for your students when       they encounter problems.
10. Never share personal information with your students: Never let the students into your personal life though it is important to maintain a teacher-student relationship. Devise a detailed rationale. Know and explain why your students should meet your objectives.
11. Be prepared: Do not wait until the last minute to devise unit or lesson plans.  Take time to research your ideas before you try them out. Have daily lesson plans well prepared and always plan more for each class period than you think you can accomplish. Have extra activities for students to do in that “left over” time at the end of the hour. Don’t expect every class to react the same to various activities and discussions. Always have examples ready that are relevant to the students’ lives. Always have an alternate explanation.
13. Be flexible: Don’t ever throw anything away. Know how to use equipment such as the VCR, data projector and television. Nothing is more embarrassing than ruining such a machine in front of thirty-five pairs of eyes.
14. Be confident: Be able to explain the importance of your curriculum or why the student received the grade he or she did. Know where the fire exits are located. Be familiar with disaster procedures.


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