9 reasons students should live in the hostel

With primary, secondary and tertiary institutions running both day and boarding schools, it is important to know which of the two services will bring out the best in your wards. While it may not be out of place to allow your children go to school from home daily for proper monitoring, there are quite some benefits when you enrol your ward in a boarding school. Below are 10 of those benefits.
Safe environment
Most hostels have security officers on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can feel safe. While some hostels are also equipped with emergency stations around campus where you can push a button and an officer will assist you. Hostel periodically holds self defence classes, so you can participate and receive more safety information.
Value of convenience
Being close to class is a huge advantage when it comes to the university. Instead of fighting over a parking space, you can take your time to get ready in the morning, socialize with your friends and then get a good exercise by walking to your building. This will save you time, transport fare and gasoline costs not to mention give you a little walking exercise in the process
Living independently
Living on your own away from your friends and loved ones may seem a little daunting, but you will soon learn to appreciate your new found freedom. Not only do you get a chance to experience new freedoms, but you can learn how to live on your own and grow independently from the influences of others. It allows you to discover who you truly are and what you want to do with your life. Hostel has just enough rules for residents to guarantee a quiet environment conducive to student success, but enough freedom to come and go as you please.
Value for money
At first glance, living off-campus often seems like a good, economical option. All the costs have to be considered like rent, deposits, water, electric, cable, internet, phone service, furniture, gas, purchasing food, etc. We all know you can’t put a price on safety and convenience both of which are offered to on campus residents.
Make new friends in residence halls
It’s so easy to make friends when you live on campus, because you are constantly around students who are just like you. Some hostels have Resident Assistant, to mentor you and provide you with fun programs.
Having roommate prepares you for life
Having a roommate is vital to the college experience. Even if you think you’ll never have a roommate again in the future, the roommate experience will give you vital skills in conflict management and compromise that will be beneficial in your personal and work life after college.
Opportunities to participate in group studies
Study groups are constantly being held all over campus, especially in the residence halls. It’s much easier to get your schoolwork done and to be held accountable when everything you need to get your work done can be found within your building. Take advantage of some of the tutoring services that are available on campus. They can be lifesavers.
Proximity to school resources
There’s never a shortage of students or staff members to talk to on campus. Whether you need help with your schoolwork or you’re looking to receive some career advice, all of these offices can be found here. Take advantage of spaces like the classroom and on campus computer labs, also the recreation and wellness Centre. You’ll be more motivated to visit them if you live within walking distance.
It’s easy to get involved on campus
When you live on campus, it’s very easy to find a club or organisation to get involved with. By living on campus, you will be able to attend every meeting and still find time to hang out with friends. Social and Health ethics recommends that you attend at least one club meeting in your first term (semester) just to get yourself off to a good start. It’s important not to get over involved, because you don’t want to sacrifice needed study time.