Top 25 influencers shaping the future of healthcare

Jeff Emmerson: Emmerson’s personal struggles with mental health compelled him to become an expert in the field, a decision that has gained him acclaim, recognition, personal insight, and 1.38 million Twitter followers. Emmerson is proud of his past, and uses his first-hand experience managing his own ADHD to provide counsel and advice to others struggling with similar issues, whether personally or by extension through a loved one. To brighten the future of mental health, Emmerson is constantly doing his homework to provide his followers with valuable, usable information to allow them to overcome and thrive.
Leah Binder: As President and CEO of The Leapfrog Group, Binder is one of the most influential women in the field of healthcare. In 2014, she was named one of the 50 Most Influential People in Healthcare by Becker’s, and outlets including Forbes and the Wall Street Journal have taken advantage of her expertise by bringing her into the fold as a regular contributor. She served as Vice President of award-winning hospital, Franklin Community Health Network, and now has parlayed her experience and acclaim into helping. The Leapfrog Group pair purchasers and payers find the ideal pairing.