
The slave girl and the love bouquet


By Abdulwahid Abdulgafar

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Gloria reluctantly accepted the proposal and the marriage was sealed. But Mr. Willer like every other person in the country knew that it was not genuine love that Gloria and Greg shared. Few weeks after the wedding, Greg was sold to another slave merchant in a faraway land. This made Gloria very angry but there was nothing she could do about it. She nursed the pain in her heart privately. Thompson on the other hand was not aware of the existing love between Gloria and Greg, but Gloria believed he did and  was just trying to secure her for himself by all means possible. As a result, Thompson did not reciprocate the love her husband showered on her.

When Thompson couldn’t take it anymore, he had to find out what really the problem was. Henry who was a younger brother to Greg and was also Thompson’s rider was very close to Thompson, he noticed the worry  in his master’s face, so he inquired about the problem he was facing. Thompson told him what has been going on in his house, which had made him unhappy. Henry smiled and told him everything he needed to know. Thompson was confused and at the same time happy to know the source of his problem. He quickly rushed home to his wife and explained to her and tried to make her understand that he doesn’t know anything about all that has happened. But she found it hard to believe.

As the days turned to week, weeks turned to months, months turned to years, Thompson became  tired of having an unhappy home, so he decided to give his wife some space and time to have a rethink and cool-off, so he travelled to Greece to set his mind straight  too. Not long after, Gloria realised that Thompson was innocent and was just being punished for something he knew nothing about. She became worried and didn’t know what to do as she didn’t know his whereabout.

One day, while at work, Gloria received a beautiful bouquet in it she counted eleven flowers and found a short note, it was written in beautiful lettering and said: “My love for you will last until the day the last flower in this bouquet dies. The note was from Thompson whom she had worried sick over. Not knowing what to make of the message, she quickly ran home and soaked the bouquet in water.

One day after another, all the flowers died but one. She then realized that there was one artificial flower in the bouquet that would last forever, then she understood the message and four days after. Thompson came home and they lived happily ever after. Concluded

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