The best Small Businesses opportunities for 2018

Continued from last Monday
- Bike Sales, Service and Rentals
Given the health and environmental benefits, it’s no wonder that bicycling has become the second most popular outdoor activity in America by frequency of participation. According to people for bikes:
U.S. bike commuting has grown 47 percent nationwide and 73 percent in the largest cities over a 10-year period. North American cities are trying hard to increase the number of people using bikes rather than cars to commute to work.
Americans spend $81 billion on biking annually, generating 770,000 jobs.
Anything that’s healthy, popular, good for the environment and heavily promoted by government is a pretty good business bet. In addition to pedal-only powered bikes, E-bikes have become very popular. E-bikes can be pedaled without electric power or use electric power to assist, and sales are expected to hit close to 50 million units by 2018. Regular pedal bikes can be converted to E-bikes with a kit that allows replacement of the front or back wheel hub with one containing a small electric motor and adding a battery and cabling.
If cycling is your passion and you want to become an entrepreneur, this may be the perfect business opportunity for you.
- Senior Care Services
Senior care services continue to rank as one of the best business opportunities. Demographics play a big role. The first baby boomers hit age 65 in 2011. The entire baby boomer generation will have will have reached age 65 by 2030. Seniors will make up 1/4 of the entire U.S. population. Unfortunately, although they are expected to live longer lives than previous generations, it’s also expected that they’ll spend more years in sickness, according to a report on senior’s health by the not-for-profit United Health Foundation.
Fortunately, baby boomers are a wealthy demographic compared to previous generations. For the most part, they can afford to pay for the services necessary to maintain their lifestyles. This includes continuing to live at home in their own communities. According to research by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), nearly 90 percent of seniors have this goal.
Many affluent seniors suffer from various health and/or mobility issues and are increasingly uncomfortable or unable to drive their own vehicles. They may find it difficult or impossible to take care of household chores such as landscaping, cleaning, cooking or caring for their pets. Others travel extensively and require house sitting or pet sitting and property maintenance services. All in all, a wealth of opportunities exist for entrepreneurs who wish to take advantage of the senior care trend. If you’re not interesting in starting your own business from scratch, various senior care franchise opportunities are available.
To be continued