Health Tips

Diabetes: 6 Ways to reduce risk


  1. Lose excess body fat: Being overweight is a big risk factor for diabetes.
  2. Follow a plant-based, low-calorie diet: Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Foods to avoid are those rich in trans fats (also called hydrogenated fat), saturated fat, and sugar.

3 Drink water: Studies link sugar-sweetened beverages with obesity and diabetes.  Cut them out of your diet and the risk of both conditions falls.

  1. Move your body: Physical inactivity raises the risk of diabetes. Exercise renders cells more sensitive to insulin.
  2. Stress less: The stress response triggers the release of several hormones that increase blood sugar. Studies show that mindfulness meditation improves the ability to cope with stress. Physical activity and social support also help relieve stress.
  3. Sleep well: Chronic sleep deprivation and poor quality sleep increase the risk for diabetes and obesity.
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