Eid: It’d be suicidal returning to sins after Ramadan – Cleric

By Mumini Abdulkareem
Muslims across the state have been enjoined to maintain the high level of piety attained during the Holy month of Ramadan.
Visiting Imam of WAMY Central Mosque, Western Reservoir road, Ilorin, Ustaz Jimoh Yunus who gave the advice on Friday while delivering the traditional sermon (Khutbah) to herald the two unit prayer, noted that it would be suicidal for Muslims to throw away the spiritual lessons and benefits associated with the month.
He added that the attitude of Muslims should be to emulate the Prophet (SAW) and the pious predecessors who spent six months each to prepare for and practice lessons learnt during the month.
“Don’t be worshipers of Ramadan alone but worshipers of Allah (SWT). Good deeds are not limited to Ramadan period but throughout our lives.
“It would not only be suicidal to return to sins shortly after the completion of that soul searching spiritually exhilarating exercise but it’s one of the evidence that the fast was not accepted in the first place.
“How would it be to fall back to fornication, lying, backbiting, not praying the compulsory five daily prayers at stated times, not giving sadaqah, not waking up at night for Tahajuud and abandoning the reading of the Quran.
“During Ramadan, some of us were living like angels on earth but have to our old ways of sin. To do that is like giving the Shaytan many reasons to smile”, he added.
According to the cleric, the essence of Ramadan is not only about giving up food from dusk to dawn but for the Muslims to attain piety and move closer to Allah to be equipped with the necessary spiritual tool to effectively play the role of Allah’s vicegerant here on earth.
He said lessons from the month should be allowed to reflect in our individual and collective lives for the betterment of the society.