
50 best Small Scale Business ideas in Nigeria for 2018


Continued from last Monday

Shipping Company

The major factor that encourages to venture into this industry is its viability as a profitable venture. The lucrative nature of the industry is unparalleled and it’s indeed one of the few industries in the world which has the highest number of turnover in terms of profit and otherwise.

Real estate Investment Business

Real estate investment is a very attractive avenue for wealth building, as there are few other business opportunities where the potential for income is so high.  However, it can be a very risky endeavor to step out on your own and jump into a volatile market.  Navigating the financial and legal issues surrounding real estate investment can be an incredible hassle.  Still, thousands of people are doing it every day and the smart ones are coming out on top.

Electronics Repair Business

To start an electric repair business is simple and you will need to learn all the ropes. An electric repair business has unlimited profit potential and a low start-up cost. This industry boasts of a lot of people who have done really well for themselves. In Nigeria, people have continued to require the services of an electrician.

Courier Service Business

There is a lot to be tapped from when you start a courier service business. What is more, there is a lot of profit in this business. If you think this is a type of business that you want to start, then you must first and foremost get all your facts together. After you have done that, then be sure to write a business plan to guide you as you start out

Freelance Writing Business

It’s very possible to become either a full-time freelance writer earning a living, or to be a part-time freelancer supplementing a regular paid income. Another role is to simply do it for fun or to build up a broader portfolio of skills. In this article, you’ll get the basics on what it takes to ease your way into freelance writing as a career or to be put properly, turn your writing hobby into a career that doesn’t affect your day job.

Motherless Children’s Home Business

Homeless kids will always seek for refuge in places where they are accepted. This is one of the reasons why you can start a motherless kid’s home. This of course will float as a nongovernmental organisation, but in the process you will make your own profit and get a reward for reaching out to the needy people.

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