Grow your hair naturally by avoiding these common mistakes

We all know hair is very important and women and even some men would go to any length to ensure their natural hair is lush, long and healthy.
Because of this, most have fallen prey to all kinds of products and treatments in the market that promised lush, long, healthy hair after use.
Before considering harsh products that may or may not be good for you, there are some basic things you should avoid as much as possible if you love your natural mane and want to maximise your hair growth.
Heat treatments: Any treatment that uses heat to style hair is bad for you. Things like blow dryers and flat irons literally cook your hair, making it extremely weak and easy to break. You hair can still look good without having to use heat on it.
Harsh chemicals: Make sure the hair products you buy are not full of harsh chemicals.
These days you can get natural and organic hair products that, though may be a bit more expensive, provide a much better alternative to chemical-ridden products.
These chemical products may make your hair look and feel good but over time, they destroys your hair.
Be especially careful about hair dyes, chemical relaxers, sulfates-containing products and alcohol-containing products. The extra investment you make on natural products with organic oils is well worth it.
Extensions and tight styles: Most of us are not aware that attachments are not too healthy for the hair and must be used sparingly.
Styles that rely on tightly wrapping your hair is not good, especially for your hair ends.
When stretched or wrapped too tight, hair tends to get weak and can break easily. Also it prevents hair from continuing with its normal growth.
On the other hand, loose braids and other protective styles actually encourage hair to grow faster by protecting your ends from splitting which means less hair has to be trimmed.
Stress: Too much stress has been scientifically proven to be behind hair loss problems such as Telogen effluvium where hair essentially stops growing and begins to fall out and Alopecia areata where hair follicles are attacked by the body’s immune system.
Determining your hair type: To achieve the best results it is important to know your hair type. This will help you in choosing the right products and giving the best care to your hair. There are three general types of black hair.