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Use natural oils to get rid of cracked feet


The feet is that part of our body that hits the floor ahead of us, carries all our weight, is exposed to friction from our shoes, and is easily prone to dehydration. These are the main reasons they crack and roughen up quickly compared to any other part of our body. Also, extremely dry weather like the type prevalent in the coming Harmattan season plays a big role in drying our skin up which results in flaky skin, dry lips and cracked feet that can cause inability to walk in the worst cases.
Tender loving care is the only prevention for cracked feet. This means being more aware of the shoes that we wear, not standing for so long and getting a good soak and massage often. However, these can only go so far for those who have already developed cracks on their feet.
There are many remedies for cracked feet but the most effective of them all is the use of natural oils to heal cracked, dry feet. Oils like Olive oil, Coconut oil, Sesame oil, Almond oil and Argan oil are all natural remedies with have high nutritional value and are deep moisturising power. Also, inorganic oils like vegetable oil and oil derivatives like mentholated rub are rich in essential nutrients and can help heal cracked feet.
Here is why oils are absolutely beneficial for cracked feet…
Oils contain vitamin E.
They are carriers of beneficial skin care substances such as tea tree oil and lavender oil.
They contain emollients that help soothing and softening.
Oils like coconut oil have antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties to fight fungal and bacterial infection
Their linoleic acid content helps retain the moisture in your skin.
They possess nutrients that hasten healing.
*How to use natural oils to get rid of cracked feet…
Wash your feet in warm water and pat it fairly dry.
Take a rich amount of oil and apply gently on each foot.
Massage deeply, especially paying attention to the balls and heels and other specific dry areas.
Do not wash off, instead roll on a pair of socks to avoid the oil from smearing on other surfaces.
Remove socks (if this is done preferably before going to bed) to find tender feet.
Repeat daily for maximum results.

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