What you need to know about Herpetic Whitlow
What is herpetic whitlow?
Herpetic whitlow is a viral infection where small blisters form on the fingers and the fleshy area around the fingertips. These sores or blisters are often painful and develop after direct contact with an infected sore.
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes this infection. There are two types of HSV. Type 1 usually affects the area around the mouth, lips, and face, whereas type 2 usually affects the genitals.
Since herpetic whitlow is caused by the same virus responsible for cold sores and genital herpes, it is extremely contagious. For that reason, it’s important that you recognise symptoms of this condition and take steps to protect yourself.
However you can treat herpetic whitlow at home by:
1. Taking a pain reliever — such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen — to reduce pain and fever
2. Applying a cold compress several times a day to reduce swelling
3. Cleaning the infected area daily and covering it with gauze
Complications of herpetic whitlow
4. Due to the contagious nature of this infection, you should keep the blistered area covered until it heals. If you don’t, the infection could spread to other parts of your body or infect other people.
5. Wearing gloves while cleaning an infected area also prevents spreading the infection to other parts of your body. As a precaution, don’t wear contact lenses if you have herpetic whitlow. If you touch your eye with an infected finger, the virus could spread to your eye.