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I ventured into business to avoid being jobless – CEO  Galad Investment


Dr. Kefas Galadima is the Chief Executive Officer of Galad Investment.
He ventured into rice farm business to avoid being idle and jobless as
a graduate.
The zeal to become self reliant and solve problem of food
insufficiency  pushed him to start commercial farming business with
capital of N150,000.
He said “I had always wanted  to be self reliant, I  sat down and
cogitate and then realised  that tertiary institutions are producing
thousands of graduates every year without commensurate job vacancies
and, moreso government cannot provide job for everyone.
“With my commitment towards humanity to service,  I was able to employ
about 15 workers producing about 25,000 tonnes of rice yearly and our
breed is unique in the market,” he added.
According to him, his guiding principles for  success include hard
work,  quality service exceptional and meeting customers’ target.
The CEO advised youths not to depend on white-collar job,  urging them
to be creative towards being self sufficient.
The farmer stressed that lack of machineries for commercial farming,
poor storage facilities and no rice mill for processing the produce
are their major setback for people in his type of business.

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