Covid-19: Extend help to downtrodden, Muslims urged

By Sulyman Jimoh
Muslims in the state and across the country have been urged to assist the downtrodden and less privilege people in the society in this period of covid-19 pandemic.
The Imam of IMAN Central Mosque, Irewolede, Ilorin, Sharafdeen Olohunoyin gave the advice while delivering his sermon (Khutbah) during the Jumua’at service at the weekend.
According to him, Islam is a religion of peace and brotherliness and those favoured with wealth by Almighty Allah should reach out to their fellow Muslims and humanity in general in this very trying period of the pandemic which has ravaged the economic and social fortunes of every society across the globe.
Olohuoyin who warned of the consequences of listening and following the whispers of the accursed Shaytan that usually threatens those people with benevolent hearts and are willing to give with poverty noted that charity does not make the giver poor in Islam but an opportunity for Allah to bless our wealth.
Reading from various verses of the Glorious Qur’an and traditions (hadith) of the Prophet, the cleric reiterated that Islam is the only religion with hope for humanity to escape this abysmal situation.
Also according to him: “Almighty Allah (SWT) has warned us in several places in the Qur’an not to follow the path of shaytan that he is truly our avow enemy. In this period of the pandemic, it is very important for us to imbibe the spirit and art of giving and reaching out to the less privilege and the downtrodden in the society because we are all affected and Allah always reward all deeds and actions in manifolds.
“We should and must only rely and hope on Allah because each day is laced with its own problems and bizzare stories as we have been witnessing in this contemporary times, only Him can save us, nobody else.
“Today, it is very disturbing that the people are starving with the high rate of prices of foodstuffs and the government don’t seem to care although agreed that some of us are the architect of the unwarranted hike in prices of commodities.
“It seems we are still oblivious of death and its consequences and how it will advertently end everything and everyone. The wealthy people should try their best to help the less privilege in their best capacity and leave the rest to Allah.
Those politicians that have cross-carpeted and still nursing such intention as its now the trend from one party to the other in order to escape corruption prosecution, can they escape the wrath of Almighty Allah, the All Knowing and All Wise Who sees, hears and conversant of all situation at every point in time?