Faith Booster: Come, let us enjoy the sweetness in salah
Salah is a dialogue
Listen to this: Allah said , “I have divided the prayer [al-Fatihah] into two halves between Myself and My servant, and My servant shall have what he asks for.”
– If he says, “All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds”, Allah says, “My servant has praised Me.”
– When the servant says, “The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”, Allah says, “My servant has glorified Me.”
– When he says, “The Master of the Day of Judgment”, Allah says, “My servant has glorified Me” or “My servant has related all matters to Me.”
– When he says, “You [alone] we worship, and You [alone] we ask for help”, Allah says, “This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall be granted what he sought”.
When he says, “Guide us to the straight path. The way of those on whom You have granted Your grace, not [the way] of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astray”, Allah says, “This is for My servant, and My servant shall be granted what he asked for.”
So the next time you are in prayer reciting al-Fatihah, remember to pause momentarily as the Prophet did after every verse, because His Majesty – with His beautiful face to yours, is responding too.
Secondly, when you read other suurah, read with reflection over the meaning of what is being read
To be concluded