Holistic approach in Restructuring a Growing Nation (I)
By Revd. Dr. Idowu Ibitoye
The popular subject of debate in the recent time is on the issue of restructuring Nigeria. Experts from all walks of life have expressed their opinions on the need to restructure the nation. Leaders from different regions of Nigeria have also spoken either in favour or against the subject. Clerics from major faiths have equally expressed their minds on the issue. This write-up tries to holistically look into the approach in restructuring a growing nation like Nigeria.
Biblical Bases for Restructuring God handed over a well-structured and restructured nation to the Israelites, through a theocratic system of government. This restructured system was visible when Jacob gave birth to his children and these descendants were referred to as the 12 tribes of Israel (cf. Gen. 29-30).
When the Israelites sojourned in Egypt, the whole 12 tribes traveled to Egypt for greener pastures (cf. Ex. 1:1-5). When they were in Egypt, they assembled themselves into clans of the original 12 tribes and they formed Council of Elders which Moses usually consulted from time to time, on vital issues. “Moses and Aaron brought together all the elders of the Israelites” Ex. 4:29, also “then Moses summoned all the elders of Israelites and said to them…” Ex. 12:21.
Also, when they were in the wilderness and they needed to explore Canaan, spies were chosen amongst the 12 tribes and each brought her positive and negative reports about the land, (Num. 12:1-30). Furthermore, before Moses handed over the mantle of leadership to Joshua, he blessed all the tribes of Israel and prophesied that they shall become great according to the peculiarity of each tribe,( Deut. 33:1-29).
Immediately Joshua took over the leadership of Israel, he followed Moses precepts in leading through the 12 tribes’ leadership structure. During Joshua’s leadership, somebody sinned and this caused a great disaster for the Nation, in the midst of this “they said to Joshua, stand up! What are you doing down on your face, Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep… in the morning, present yourselves tribe by tribe…” Josh. 7:10-14. Through this the culprit was discovered, who was named Achan from the tribe of Judah, (Josh. 7:18). I believe strongly we can eradicate crime or reduce it to the barest minimum if we engage in this methods and methodology of security approach through trusted citizen within each locality.
Furthermore, when the Israelites got to Canaan distributions and allotment of land was done through the 12 tribes and each tribe tried to develop her own allotment according to her preferred occupation, those who engaged in pastoral nomadism developed their land in agrarian form (cf. Jos. 13-21). Likewise, some towns were reserved as cities of refuge for the avenger of blood and a place where restoration can be made for any Israelite who sinned.
When the Israelites settled in the Promised Land, they were living as one indivisible nation of 12 tribes, while everything is factored through the tribes, kingship is made through any of the tribes and they were living peacefully. However, after the death of King Solomon, the kingdom split into a northern kingdom which retained the name Israel and the southern kingdom which retained the name Judah, and was named after the tribe of Judah. More so, Israel and Judah co-existed for about two centuries, before they began to fight against each other. Biblical scholars refer to the northern kingdom as the kingdom of Israel of Samaria, the purpose is to differentiate it from the southern kingdom of Judah, it’s major cities are: Shechem, Penuel, Samaria with monarchical system of government. The following kings ruled the kingdom; Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehohash, Zechariah, Shalhem, Pekaliah, Pekah and Hoshea.
The southern kingdom, also referred to as Kingdom of Judah, has its major city is Jerusalem where the temple and the ark of the Lord were situated, its major system of government is monarchy while theocracy performed major roles. In Judah, the following kings reigned; Rehoboam, AbijanAsa, Jehoshaphat, Jehora, Ahaziah, Attaliah, Joash, Amaziah, Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amron, Josiah, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah (study through I & II Kings).
It was discovered that some of the kings followed after idolatry which God strongly frowned at, while some ruled according to the leading and directive of God. Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah and Assarial played prophetic roles during these reigns.
Because the Israelites involved themselves in sinful acts they were taken into captivity and Jerusalem was completely destroyed and devastated. They were in anguish and agony from their tormentors while in captivity, “by the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion” Ps. 131:1. May Nigeria never go into captivity again; the time of colonial reign can be described as Nigeria’s days of captivity. God has helped us to gain independence in 1960. Nigeria leaders in every stratum must ensure that Nigeria must not borrow from other nations, this is not the will of God for us as a nation, God’s plan is that “…you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none” Deut. 28:12. Nigeria is flowing with milk and honey, “when I have brought them into the land flowing with milk honey…” Deut. 31:20. Nigeria is a land given to us by God, the land that is rich in agriculture, mineral and human resources; we must cherish our God given heritage known as Nigeria.
Furthermore, the advent of Jesus Christ restored the 12 tribes of Israel; this is evident in His organized 12 disciples which typically signify the 12 tribes of Israel. His constant gospel campaigns throughout the regions of Israel united the kingdom. Though Jesus Christ came when the Roman government was ruling over Israel, this never deterred Him from uniting the nation. Jesus “answered, I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel”. Matt. 15:24. His parable of the Good Samaritan was to unite both the northern and southern kingdoms and for the two separate kingdoms to be their brothers’ keeper,(Lk. 10:25-37), and for the entire Christian race to be united.
In the last words of Jesus Christ to his disciples, He declared “… you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8. This indicated that Jesus had united Judea and Samaria.
At the eschatological prophecy of John in Revelation 7:1-8, the 12 tribes of Israel were sealed. This signified the original restructured tribes of Israel were still in the eschatological picture.
Nigeria is already an organized and restructured nation handed over to us by God and the estate of Nigeria must never be mismanaged like King Rehoboam. “King Rehoboam sent out Adoniram who was in charge of forced labour, but all Israel stoned him to death king Rehoboam however managed to get into his chariot and escape to Jerusalem” I Kings 12:18. Is this time of drama not recently happening in our nation? Nigeria is God’s heritage and it must be ruled and managed with the fear of God.