Maximising Opportunity (Ecc. 9: 11)
By Revd. Dr. Idowu Ibitoye
Opportunity is simply a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something. Opportunity is very crucial to human progress and elevation. Everyone must understand his/her opportune time, to take appropriate step, “…all these men of Issachar understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take” I Chron. 12:32. Christians must understand the mystery of opportunity and key-in to it.Biblical heroes like; Joseph, David, Daniel and Esther made use of opportunities for their advancements, and they all left remarkable achievements in the sand of time. This write-up considers the facts, results and hindrances to opportunities.
Facts About Opportunity
Every-one must know that opportunity and time works together, the two are inseparable. For one to utilize and maximize opportunity, he/she must understand the timing and always move according to it, just like the children of Issachar (I Chron. 12:32).
Another fact about opportunity is that it is simply an avenue or platform where one manifests his/her God given abilities for progress and advancement in life. Joseph interpreted dreams to the chief baker and bottler, and later interpreted for Pharaoh at his palace. God used the art of dream interpretation as an opportunity to earn him the prestigious position of a Prime Minister in Egypt (Gen. 41). The little assignment given to you either in the church or somewhere else may be an opportunity for your progress, be faithful with the task given to you.
Furthermore, opportunity can be wasted and lost; any opportunity lost may never be regained again. Many had lost opportunities to become the best of what God desired for them.
Opportunity may also come to one during the time of travail or challenges. We could see that Joseph was opportuned while in prison, in interpreting the dreams that landed him in the palace. Likewise, Esther became queen when she and her uncle were in captivity in a foreign land (Est. 2:13-22). During time of challenges, one must not lose courage because courage will sustain during the times of challenges.
Preparation is very crucial, which is preparing oneself ahead, because the preparation will help one’s opportunity to thrive and manifest better. David was called upon to play musical instrument at the king’s palace, because he had already prepared in the art and act of musical instrumentation (I Sam. 16:14-23).
Another thing that helps opportunity is hard work; this will serve as a wheel in helping the opportunity to have an express manifestation. No one will recommend a lazy individual for a higher position of responsibility, “go to the ant, o sluggard, consider her ways and be wise” Prov. 6:6.
Good character always beckons on opportunity. Good virtues are bedrock and foundational basis for opportunity. If timeless opportunity is desired, exhibit good characters. There is a proverb in Yoruba that says, “obinrin so wa nu, oniohunkoniorioko” meaning that a house wife who is without a character said she does not have a destiny for good husband. For anyone to enjoy this life, good character is very important. A typical example is Ruth, “and now my daughter, don’t be afraid, I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you (Ruth) are a woman of noble character” Ruth 3:11. It is good that people around you know one for good character and virtue.
Also, never see any task or assignment as too little or below your statues such may be opportunity for an open door to a greater advancement in life. Tasks given to you either in the church or secular places must be seen as service to God and humanity. Opportunities may also come in form of personal training and development earlier acquired. Every avenue for training/development should be seen as opportunity for advancement in life. Whenever opportunity comes one needs divine wisdom to maximize the opportunity for progress and elevation.
Opportunity may also come in form of test and how such test are handled will determine the next level of glory. It must be clearly noted that opportunity is timeless; it can come on anybody’s way anytime. Abraham was opportuned at the age of 75 (Gen. 12-17), while Samuel got his opportunity at a very tender age (I Sam. 2).
Every-day is loaded with bundles of opportunities. Everyone must ensure that he/she uses the opportunity as a channel of blessing to others; opportunity should never be used as a stumbling block for others, be a channel of blessing for others to move forward. Opportunity should always be extended to other for them to move to the next level of greatness.
Results of utilized opportunities
1. When opportunity is well utilized and maximized, promotion and elevation is certain.
2. A well utilized opportunity will bring about manifestation of God’s glory upon the individual.
3. A properly utilized opportunity will make one to be above his/her peers. It was recorded that Daniel was ten (10) times better than his colleagues.
4. Likewise, a well utilized opportunity will propel and compel one to the next level of greatness. If you are the type that always annexes opportunity, you shall always be compelled to move forward.
5. Your present level is a result of your past utilized opportunities. The degree you are holding today resulted from past opportunities one graciously maximised. Don’t waste opportunity, utilize and annex it.
Hindrances to opportunities
This write-up will not be complete if I don’t talk briefly on the hindrance to opportunities, which everyone must always identify and run away from.
1. Pride: Lucifer had the best of the opportunity as the angel closer to God, but when pride came, he was cast down from heaven and he lost his glorious position in the heavenly kingdom. The spirit of pride still manifest in many people today, no one will like to recommend a proud person into a higher position, even God resist the proud, “though the Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty he see them from afar” Ps. 138:6. Being proud may deny you many opportunities, it is good and rewarding to be humble. “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” Matt. 23:12.
2. Sin: Sin is always a reproach to anyone that engages in it (Prov. 14:34). Sin will never allow anyone to maximise the potentials and abilities imbedded inside him/her. Sin is always a hindrance to success. Sin is always a distractor to glorious and lasting opportunity. Judas Iscariot could have become a great hero in the early church, but the sin of covetousness prevented him from utilising the opportunity of becoming a great bishop of the early church. We must always flee every appearance of sin and stay holy before God, through this many opportunity will come one’s way.
3. Inferiority complex: Inferiority complex simply means a feeling that you are not as good, as intelligent, as attractive as other people. In other words it is looking down on yourself. If one finds himself in this situation many opportunities will elude the person. Believe in yourself and develop yourself adequately, always depend on the Holy Spirit in every situation you may find yourself. Believe that you can do it and anchor your faith on this “ Ican do all things through Christ which strengthen me”.
4. Prayerlessness: Prayer is a strong weapon in the hand of a believer; many opportunities elude people today because of prayerlessness. “Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” Phil. 4:6. We must always create quality time of prayer to present all our requests to God. Likewise, we must know that the spiritual controls the physical, prayer is the master key. I believe strongly that many opportunities will come our way if we engage in fervent and effective prayer life.
Wrap-up and Recap
We must always summon courage and confidence to maximise your opportunities, no wonder God told Joshua, “be strong and courageous…” Josh. 1:6; “have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” 1:9. Confidence and courage will allow opportunities to thrive and will aid good performance.
Furthermore, opportunities with divine grace will always lead to excellence and accelerated success. Never underrate the power of God’s grace; it is inevitable in maximizing opportunities for lasting impact.
Finally, our service and acts of worship are opportunities given by God, David knew this and he said, “…I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God…” Ps. 84:10. Every service in the household of faith is an opportunity extended by God, and no one should undermine this opportunity. It must be well utilised and the glory must be returned back to God.