My most dramatic day in court

Kafayat Aminu Alaya is one of the upcoming practising lawyers in Ilorin, Kwara State capital. She had her LL.B from the University of Ilorin in 2008 and was called to the Nigeria bar 2009. Upon her return from Delta State where she observed her NYSC programme, she joined the Ilorin based Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) chamber, Kayode Olatoke & Co. in 2010. She however shares with KAYODE ADEOTI her most significant experience as a legal practitioner. Excerpts:
My most dramatic moment in court was the day I was attacked for including my case on the court list. Though I have been going to court before that time, but on this particular sitting, I had a unique experience different from what I have had in the past. It all happened thus:
During my NYSC programme, my boss called me up to appear in court for a particular matter, so when I got there the second day, I quickly ran through the court list to be sure that my case was there, to my amazement, I found out my case was not registered. Since I can always include it once the judge is not around, then I called the attention of a lawyer I perceived to be my senior, he exclaimed saying, ‘are you a green wig, don’t you know once your case is not listed you cannot use biro to add it. I was highly embarrassed and I felt pained. Reason is because, I have travelled a long distance to attend to the matter, and I felt so bad considering the energy and time spent in preparing for the matter. I didn’t sleep all through the night; I was determined to give the case my best but all my effort was trampled on court’s failure to include the case.