
Guidelines for revision


Exams and tests can be a stressful time for most students, but follow these fantastic stress-free tips for revising… and you might find yourself at the top of the brainy class!

Study in quiet place

Study in a quiet place away from the TV and computers etc that is both light and comfortable.

Revision books

Make a ‘revision timetable’ and always let your family know when you are revising.

Summary notes

Create summary notes and anything simple that helps your memory – as short notes, drawings and sayings are much easier to remember.

Get help

Ask friends and family to test you. Also attend any teacher revision classes – as teachers will know better than anyone what will be in tests and exams.

Record yourself

Record yourself reading notes and occasionally listen to them instead of reading.

Take a 5 or 10 minute break every hour and do some stretching exercises, go for a short walk or make yourself a drink.


Allow yourself some fun-time each day to relax…and make sure you get a good eight hours of sleep each night.

Eat well

Eat good brain foods like cereals, wheat bran, wheat germ and whole wheat pasta.

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