Engage in alms giving, cleric advices Muslims

By Ahmed Ajikobi
The Imam of Atiku street mosque, Adewole, Ilorin Ustaz Samsudeen Adebayo Salafi has advised the Muslims to engage themselves in alms giving to the less privileged, adding that it attracts lots of rewards from Almighty Allah (SWT).
Salafi gave the advice at the Jumaat service during his sermon before the two rakat, adding that alm giving (sadaqat) does not reduce wealth but to only increases it.
He said anybody that engages in sadaqat by giving out little from what Allah gave him will be given multiple of what he gave out in the name of giving alms to the less privileged.
The Imam further said Allah will not reward anyone who engaged in sadaqat with unclean means (Haram), adding that Allah is a pure God that disassociate Himself from any dirty thing.
“If your sadaqat is from Halal money, Allah will receive it as act of worship for you and you will be rewarded accordingly and divinely. Such reward will benefit the Muslim here on earth and on the Day of Judgement”.
He said there are two angels created by Allah to note our sadaqat, adding that “one will pray for those who spend their money on Halal things while the other will curse those who spend their money to earn the wrath of Allah.
Salafi added that angels don’t commit sin but obey Allah’s instruction diligently and we human being are the ones that fall into sin which is why our prayers don’t get to Allah.
He said those who have the money and don’t spend it according to Allah’s will only have themselves to blame at the end of the day and advised them to use Allah’s wealth to purchase His paradise.