
We’ll position Kaduna as number 1 golf state in Nigeria – El-Rufai

The governing of Kaduna State, Malam Nasir El-Rufai has said that with no fewer than seven golf clubs in Kaduna, the state government will position the state to become number one golf state in Nigeria.
He expressed this at the closing ceremony of the maiden edition of the KADINVEST Pinnacle Pro-Am Golf Tournament, which ended at the Kaduna Golf Club on Sunday.
He said that the state government in its quest to boost tourism in the state through golf would support every tournament with equal amount provided by the sponsor.
“Just as Sir Lucky Omoluwa provided N7m for professionals, we would provide another N7m to make it N14m,” he said
El-Rufai said that the state government expects the likes of Tiger Woods at the centenary celebration of the Kaduna Golf Club in 2021, when the club marks its centenary celebration.
“We will work with the Kaduna Golf Club to position it to best international standard. As a first step, I have informed the captain that with this tournament we hope it would continue annually. We will match any sponsor and double the prize. If next year, Sir Lucky Omoluwa promises N7m for the professionals, we will double it to N14m,” he said

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