Growth Analysis of Dangote Sugar Refinery PLC ( DANGSUGAR | NGA)

The Growth Score is a relevant measure for the assessment of a stock attractiveness. Dangote Sugar Refinery PLC shows a Growth Score of 6.00.
The Growth Score for Dangote Sugar Refinery PLC is significantly higher than its peer group’s. This means that Dangote Sugar Refinery PLC has a significantly higher growth than its peer group.
Dangote Sugar Refinery PLC
International Peers
Food Products 9.03 9.27 9.33
Nigeria 3.64 4.87 4.72 More…
Beta (Ref: N/A)
Levered beta Unlevered beta
1-Year N/A N/A
2-Year N/A N/A
3-Year N/A N/A
Stock Perf excl. Dividends (in NGN)
Year-to-Date 10.3% N/A N/A
1-Week 5.6% N/A N/A
1-Month 0.0% N/A N/A
1-Year 8.7% N/A N/A
3-Year 150.0% N/A N/A
5-Year 162.7% N/A N/AMore…
GPRV Analysis
Dangote Sugar Refine…
Intl. Peers
U.S Patents No. 7,882,001 & 8,082,201
International Peers – Dangote Sugar Refinery PLC
Company Name Ctry Market Cap.
last (mUSD) Beta
1-Year Year-To-Date
Price Change
(in local currency)
Dangote Sugar Refinery NGA 488 N/A 10.3%
International Peers Median 0.88 -0.2%
Sao Martinho S.A. BRA 2 159 0.62 5.4%
Cosan Limited BMU 2860 0.91 -0.2%
Cosan S.A. Industria e … BRA 7 021 1.02 5.0%
Balrampur Chini Mills L… IND 568 0.88 -1.6%
Rogers Sugar Inc. CAN 385 0.87 -2.4%
Net Sales Chart Millions NGN
2014 2015 2016 2017 2019
(e) 2020 (e)2021 (e)2022 (e)0k
100k 200k 300k
Dangote Sugar Refinery PLC
Jan ’20 May ’19 Sep ’19
-50% -25% 0% 25%
About Stock Growth Analysis
Aggregated Growth Score
In GPRV, the aggregated Growth Score is the average of the growth indicators’ scores.
Net Sales Growth Historical
This is a weighted average of the Historical Growth of Net Sales. This indicator focuses on the ability of the company to grow its Net Sales year over year, historically. Up to five years of Historical Net Sales Growth are taken into account.
Calculation: (using up to 5 years of historical data when available)
[Net Sales Growth year N*5 + Net Sales Growth year (N-1)*4 + Net Sales Growth year (N-2)*3 + Net Sales Growth year (N-3)*2 + Net Sales Growth (N-4)] / 15
Net Income Growth Historical
This is a weighted average of the Historical Growth of Net Income. This indicator focuses on the ability of the company to grow its Net Income, year over year, historically. Up to five years of historical Net Income Growth are taken into account.
Calculation: (using up to 5 years of historical data when available)
[ Net Profit Growth year N*5 + Net Profit Growth year (N-1)*4 + Net Profit Growth year (N-2)*3 + Net Profit Growth year(N-3)*2 + Net Profit Growth (N-4)]/15
Net Sales Growth Estimate
This is a Forecast CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of Net Sales Estimates.
Calculation: (using up to 3 years of forecast data when available)
(Net Sales year (N+2) – Net Sales year N)(1/2)
EPS Growth Estimate
This is a Forecast CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of EPS estimates.
Calculation: (using up to 3 years of forecast data when available)
(EPS year (N+2) – EPS year N)(½)