When I lost my mum – Hon Matthew Babaoye
I don’t really have any best or worst Christmas but when it comes I celebrate with my people at home in line with the doctrine which has been laid down to us by our fathers to come home, unite and celebrate during the period. Oro is predominantly a Christian community and during Christmas, people of the community from all parts of the world converge on the town to wine and dine and felicitate among ourselves. So for me, I see any Christmas I am fortunate to witness as the best because I might not witness another one. And also living in communism during the period in the family and community levels is always joy-filled, mixing with lots of people, old friends, cousins, former school and play mates, relaxing and merry making.
My low in Christmas celebration was when my mother died in December 8, 2015 and most of the period was used in preparing for the event.
My expectations this Christmas is that it would be violence and crisis free and I am looking forward to having a joy filled Christmas and abundant progress in 2019
My message is that we should all celebrate in moderation, not drinking, eating in excess or indulging in any extravagant act so as to avoid accident, fight and crisis. And we should be security conscious always.