KWIRS generates N6.4bn in 1st quarter of 2018

The Kwara State Internal Revenue Services (KWIRS) has generated a total sum of N6.4 billion in the first quarter of 2018 year.
This is a shortfall over the amount raked in at about the same period in the previous year. The agency had in the first quarter of 2017, generated the sum of N6.6 billion.
The Executive Chairman of KWIRS made the disclosure during an exclusive interview with this medium on Monday.
He said: “We have generated the sum of N6.4 billion for the first quarter of the 2018 year.”
The chairman noted that the first challenge the agency faced this year was having to handover revenue collection of the local government to the various councils.
“The first challenge that we are confronted with is the issue of handing over of the revenue collection of the local government tier.
“Before we could even arrived at that there were lot of issues that we had to resolve to allow for smooth collections.
“Issues relating to the local councils taking charge of the collection and guidelines on the collection strategies laid down by the revenue agency. So that they can follow those guidelines of collections without having misunderstanding and grievances with the taxpayers.
“Obviously even at this level that they have started collecting, there will still be some discrepancies which we have to manage for them until everything is in proper shape.
“As you know, with the local government handling the operations, there will be confusion in the public particularly the market people who are used to paying everything to the revenue agency at once.
“Now the taxpayers are faced with paying revenue to the council and personal income tax to the state.
The chairman expressed hope that the local councils will be able to manage the revenue collection well.
He then called on taxpayers to comply by paying their revenue as and when due.
He said:” The excesses now is on the part of the local government because most of their collection is done by consultants and most of them have their excesses if they are not well monitored.
“These consultants can go beyond their scopes just for them to collect revenue from the taxpayers by all means,” he added.