African Time: A Misnomer

By Revd. Dr. Idowu Ibitoye
Time is very crucial to human development and positive transformation of our society. Time is define as what is measured in minutes, hours and day, the time that appeared on a clock in minutes and hours. Likewise, time is when something happens or when something should happened. Africans consciousness on time needs to be re-awakening, because many people treat time as if they have control over it. The general phenomenon known as “African time”
is a misnomer because Africans are well cultured people and she value time, this write-up try to X-ray the age-long misunderstanding on African time and to instruct the contemporary Africans on the right usage of time.
Biblical Concept of Time
The word that was used for time in the Greek Bible is “Kairos” denote the opportunity for some event or action, also the term could also referred to the appointed time by God, the opportunities given by Him (cf. Deut. 11:14; Ps. 145:15; Is. 49:8, Lk. 19:44; Acts. 17:26).In a broader sense kairos simply means set time, appointed time, due time, seasonable time and proper time for action.
“Chronos” is also refer to as time, duration of a period and day as a point in time. Also, time is computed in the Bible by; years (Gen. 15:13; II Sam. 21:1; Dan. 9:2); months (Num. 10:10, I Chr. 27:1, Job. 3:6); Weeks, (Dan. 10:2; Lk, 18:2 and days (Gen. 8:3; Job. 1:4; Lk. 11:3).All events and time are pre-determined by God. (Acts 17:26), while all God’s purposes are fulfilled in due time. (Mk. 1:15; Gal. 4:4).It is clearly revealed through the Holy Bible that our God is God of time, He never waste time , He created time for our achievements and progress.
Wrong motive about time
I have attended several programs ranging from both religious and secular, I have realized that people have wrong concept about time. People does not place good value on time they waste it as if they are wasting rain water. Even top government officials usually come late to schedule meeting while others are waiting for the Very Important Personality (VIP) to come before the commencement of time. Likewise, many church programs are delayed because of the minister in-charge or General overseer is yet to arrive, this is an aberration. This wrong motive must change and all our leaders both secular and sacred must stop wasting people’ time by waiting endlessly for them.
African time is a general phenomenon, meaning starting a program behind the time schedule or arbitrary getting late to a proposed/scheduled program. There is nothing like African time, not all African have this culture we have numberless of Africans that value time and keep to appointment.
Reorientation on the Consciousness of Time
The importance of time cannot be over emphasis, everything in life depend on time. The value of time is so crucial to life. Everyone must respect and understand the values of time. We need to change our orientation towards time and treat time as one of the most valuable as given to mankind by God, in re-orientating Africans, we must know:
Time never wait for Anyone – Time is never regulated by anyone, the maker of the universe is the one that hold time in His able hand, no wonder “Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: Sun, stand still over Gibeon and you, moon, stopped till the nation avenged itself on its enemies”, Joshua. 10:12-13 .Joshua knew that time is running out in the battle and the only solution is for the day to be elongated which is only in the power of God, and God indeed granted this request, this was the first and the last time. Everyone must know that time never wait, take step now in achieving your purpose.
Time is equally given to everyone- The 24 hours that makes a day is equally given to all. It is given equally given to both the rich and the poor, the young and old, no one can amass time to him/herself in the expense of others. What you are doing with your time will determine your next level of glory.
Time can be wasted – it is a clear fact that time can be wasted, in contemporary days many are wasting their times with frivolous ceremonies and activities, many engages in unfruitful adventures which is resulting in wasting their precious time. Time is so precious that once it is wasted it can never be re-gain. The concept of African time which this write-up intends to discourage is mere wastage of time without any explanation. We must all stop wasting our times and this can be achieved through leadership by examples. Our leaders should stop getting late to functions, once it is a schedule time the program should commence without waiting for anyone. Church leaders should also stop by wasting the precious time of the parishioners, we must be time conscious, the program of 2 hours should not extends to 5 hours etc.
Achievements are attached to time – Any goal or aspiration of which any one intends to achieve all are time bound, for example you want to earn a degree in university it is time bound. “Then the Lord replied write down the revelation and makes it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time,…” Hab. 2:2-3. Since our glorification and advancement in life is attached to time we must never waste time, knowing fully well that we are time bound.
Punctuality – Punctuality is simply the quality of being on time. In other words lack of punctuality is simply refers to African time, it is a monster that we need to defeat in African society. We must be punctual to programs and events. Punctuality is integrity which everyone must uphold.
Time management- This is the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively. Likewise, it is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between some specific activities. Time management is one of the best tips to kill “African time.” To active this you can: (a) have a time check, (b) set a time limit for yourself, (c) Daily develop to do list, (d) Always plan ahead, (e) Always commence with your most important tasks, (d) Never hesitate to delegate your task, (f) it is good to focus on a task at a time, (g) Make some changes in your time schedule when necessary.
There is nothing like African time, Africans are culture and community set of people that respect time. We must all rise to respect time and knowing it is a gift from God and everyone shall give account on how he/she spend our time.

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