NewsWorship (Christian and Muslim)

Muslim youths warned to be time conscious

By Jimoh Sulyman
Muslims have been admonished to always seek the forgiveness of Almighty Allah in all of their actions, everyday and at every given opportunity because every son of Adam is a sinner whether he acknowledges it or not.
This was said by the Imam of United community secondary School Central mosque, Imam Abdullahi Mudaseer on Friday while addressing the congregation during his Khutbah (sermon), before leading the congregants in the weekly two units prayer.
He stated: “Every son of Adam is a sinner, whether intentional or unintentional, we should always take advantage of the time we have on earth to always atone for our sins, so as to be absolved of all our sins and in turn receive the abundant favour of Almighty Allah”.
The Imam also noted that, it is only Allah that is perfect and free from all blemishes and impurities, and none of His creation can be called a paragon but Allah in his majesty, a quality that none of His creation can make any acclaim to”.
Abdullahi however, reiterated the need for Muslims and non Muslims to have a forgiving heart and always put in efforts to forgive those that erred against them just has Allah has always forgive them for their own inequities.
In that premise, in his remark, the Cleric weigh in on the trending issue of religious skirmishes as a result of the dispute over the use of hijab in some schools in the state, The Imam pacified the two sides, advising them not to allow the misunderstanding to degenerate into a full blown crisis such that no one can predict its outcome and prices that will be paid on both sides.
In the sermon, the Imam harped on the venerability of the Islamic month of Sha’aban, stating that, “This a very respectable month of Allah (swt) that comes with many goodies from Allah for those who can take their time to seek for them with prayers and Alms giving to the needy and Allah will sure give them all they’re seeking for”.
Imam Mudaseer emphasize on the importance of the month, “this is the month that prepares our souls for the approaching glorious month of Ramadan, the month helps in cleansing of our soul and spirit before the month of Ramadan does the final scrubbing in order to make us spotlessly clean, just like newborn baby without fault nor blemishes” ,the Imam noted.
The Cleric stressed on the need for the giving of Charity in this month, in order to uplift the spirit of the Muslim Ummah (community) in anticipation for the month of Ramadan and to share joy and happiness within the community.
“This is the best time to give Zakat and Sadaqah, it will be so timely ,in order to uplift the morale of the Muslim Ummah in the anticipation for the fast approaching holy month of Ramadan and also to share happiness with people around us just as the Prophet preached,” he noted.
According to Abdullahi, “Allah does not delay the recompense of all the good deeds of the people, He always reward goodness with nothing but goodness just has He promised in the holy Quran and through the traditions of the noble Prophet Muhammad”.
The Imam also admonished the youths to awaken to the worship of Allah and to escape from the illusion of thinking they still have time, because end can come at any point in time without prior announcement of its arrival, in his statement, he said that ” the youth of nowadays should awaken from their slumber to the worship of Allah and escape from their illusion of time, thinking they still have time whereas end can come at any time without prior announcement of its coming”.

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