Public must support security in combating crime (II)

With Saliu Woru Mohammed
Continued from last Monday
Sometimes ago, a complainant once explained how he was thoroughly beaten and forced to do frog-jump by some members of vigilante group in the state. Experience has shown that some vigilante groups do not know the rules that guide their operation, thereby taking laws into their own hands. It has therefore become imperative for me to enlighten the public wishing to form themselves into a vigilante group, their powers and accepted mode of operation. It must be stated that all able-bodied men and the youths wishing to form themselves into vigilante groups are entitled to do so.
However, volunteers are expected to be of no criminal records, such groups are required to report to the Divisional Police Station close to them for screening with two passport photographs. Those who scaled through the screening exercise would be registered and permitted to form their groups and operate in their various areas of domicile, as approved by the police. Being a member of vigilante group is not a license to carry arms, unless such person or group have firearm license to bear firearms. A vigilante group with fire arms license is not allowed to misuse the firearms.
In a nutshell, firearm can be used when he is protecting his life or the life of an innocent person whose live is in danger and there was no any other means of protecting it. Therefore, misuse of fire arms through any guide is a serious offence punishable under the law with several punishments. It is very necessary for each group to report their movement to the nearby police division before the commencement of their operation daily. Vigilante group are expected to hand over not only an arrested person to the police but along with properties recovered by them to the police. We must learn how to respect the fundamental human right of all citizens including the right of an arrested person.
*Mohammed is the Magaji Nda of Ilorin